Lyrics: © Kerstin Dröge, 1998 / no music yet

I'm a fan, I admit that and I love being part of the fandom. But there are moments,
and particularly have been in 1998, where it can be *really* annoying to cope
with certain people ...

Look at me. I am a fan.
You think it plainly visible.
The chaos in my life, it shows!
You judge it from the chaos in my flat -
And how far else this goes - who knows?

You cannot understand how I can dare to waste my time
with driving to conventions, spending every dime ...
Your interests lie elsewhere and there's not much chance to cope.
But maybe past a certain age this stops, you dearly hope!
I really should adapt to your world soon.

Look at me. I am a fan.
It may not be quite visible
If you don't know me long enough.
Am I truly one of you?
Fandom can be really tough.

I'm not the size of elvish folk so "fantasy" drops out.
Look more like a computer freak, just hanging about.
If I could change my skin I'd surely be a rocker, soon.
And deep inside my heart I wish I'd fly right to the moon.
But what's inside you cannot see!

Look at me. Am I a fan?
It surely is not visible
When I come along in my office clothes.
Too arrogant? Too self-assured?
How far this masquerade goes?

But when I listen deep inside I must admit there is
a part of what we call "mundane" and I don't want to miss
this certain view for what may be the day after tomorrow.
Life is not only fun and games but also work or sorrow.
And this reality you can't ignore!

Not accepted by the mundanes, I'm used to that one, true.
But not accepted by the fen? Is there just black or white for you?
I want to have some fun in life, just want to laugh and care
To watch a movie, write a song, meet people, dream and dare.
It does not mean you must forget the normal world around.
What use of fannish habit - but no chance for your account?
This sounds way too pessimistic, some of you may think.
But if you want to sail the stars, make sure your ship won't sink!

Look at me. I am just me.
This is what should be visible.
For you and everyone to see!
Through chaos, laughter, work and woe,
Take me as I am, for it's just plain old me.